Investors & Media

Transformative science, targeted medicines

Blueprint Medicines is a fully integrated global biopharmaceutical company that invents life-changing medicines across two strategic focus areas of allergy/inflammation and oncology/hematology. Our approach combines deep scientific expertise, modality-agnostic drug discovery capabilities, and a proven track record of R&D success. Currently, we are commercializing our approved medicine AYVAKIT/AYVAKYT® (avapritinib) in the U.S. and Europe, as well as in other regions of the world through partnerships.

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Jeffrey Albers

Venture Partner, Atlas Venture

Daniella Beckman

Chief Financial Officer, Tango Therapeutics

Alexis Borisy

Co-Founder and Operating Chairman, Curie.Bio

Lonnel Coats

Chief Executive Officer, Lexicon Pharmaceuticals

Habib Dable

Part-time Venture Partner, RA Capital Management, L.P.

Mark Goldberg, M.D.

Lecturer in Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Faculty Member, Hematology Division, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Kate Haviland

President and Chief Executive Officer, Blueprint Medicines

Nick Lydon, Ph.D.

Scientific Founder, Blueprint Medicines

Lynn Seely, M.D.

President and Chief Executive Officer, Lyell Immunopharma and Lead Independent Director, Blueprint Medicines

John Tsai, M.D.

Chief Executive Officer, Forcefield Therapeutics